Spider Crab: Characteristics, Diet, Uses, Photo

Spider crab is a species of migratory crab which is generally  found in the north east Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. It is also known by many other names such as Common Spider Crab, Spiny Spider Crab, European Spider Crabs, Maja Squinado, Spinous Spider Crabs and more.

It is without any doubt, one of the most distinctive of the British Crustacea, and also the largest spider Crabs in the British Isles. It is mainly found in the south and west of Britain and Ireland, but is predicted to be extending its ranges further north in Scotland. Read some more interesting information about Spider Crabs below:

Spider Crab Characteristics

The Spider Crabs have a circular to oval carapace, which is generally broad at back and narrow at the front. There is strong tapering spines border the shell, while the other part of shell bears smaller spines.

They have small eyes, which are located other side of two distinct frontal spines, their legs are covered with hairs and the shell is covered by algae. Their first pair of legs bear small claws while the rest taper to stout, dark tips.

In case of coloration, the spider carbs are red, brownish-red or yellowish in color, and their body can be up to 20 cm long

Spider Crab


Generally Spider Crabs are feed on a great variety of organisms, with seaweeds and molluscs dominating in winter and echinoderms like sea urchins and sea cucumbers in summer.


The female Spider Crabs  can produce up to 4 broods annually.


The Spider Crabs are used as food. It is popular as food in most of the countries.

Special Notes

The Spider Crabs are commercially fished with over 5,000 ton caught per year. Out of the total more than 70% catch is from of the coast of the United Kingdom, around 6% from the Channel island , 3% from the Ireland, and same from Spain, 2% from Croatia and 1% from Portugal and rest of the remaining catches from Denmark, Morocco and Montenegro.

The Spider Crabs are migrators, and their migrations take place in autumn with some crabs covering over 160 km in 8 months. They are actually vulnerable to predators while molting and they became gregarious around that that period.

Spider crab

However, review full breed profile of the Spider Crab species in the following table:

Name Spider Crab
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae
Genus Maja
Species M. squinado
Binomial Name Maja squinado
Other Names Also known as Common Spider crab, European Spider crab, Spiny Spider crab, Maja Squinado, Spinous Spider crab etc.
Breed Purpose Food
Special Notes Economically important, commercially fished with over 5000 tonnes caught annually, migratory crab species, migrations generally take place in autumn with some crabs covering over 160 kg in 8 months, vulnerable to predator when molting, used for food and popular in many countries
Breeding Method Natural
Climate Tolerance Native climate
Body Color Red, brownish-red or yellowish in color
Rarity Common
Availability Europe

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