The ornamental pepper plant looks verry beautiful. these are known not only for their beauty but they are also used a lot. along with increasing the beauty of our home or garden, it is also use of eating. these are considered very ideal for garden lover.

1. The Beauty and Utility of Ornamental Pepper Plants
(i) Beauty of Ornamental pepper plant
(a) Variety of color
Ornamental pepper found in many colors. Ex- Red, yellow, green, purple and Black. In many varieties, we get to see many colors on the same plant, which make it ineffective.
(b) Unique shape and Texture
The shape of the this plant appears to be very beautiful. the shape of its leaves and fruits appears to be round at some place, long at other and of other shape depending on the variety,
(c) Beauty method in garden
to enhance the beauty of home or garden, the ornamental pepper are planted in pots, hanging basket, or plastic decorated basket. it is also grown on the edges of garden for its beauty.
2. Cultivation and Care of Ornamental Pepper Plants
(i) Ideal growing condition of Ornamental Pepper plats
(a) Climate and temperature
ornamental pepper plants tolerate hot and require a temperate climate and require a temperature of 18-30°C for proper growth. we can grow it inside home and also in green house.
ornamental pepper plant should get at least 6-8 hour of sun light.
(b) Soil selection
soil pH 6-7 considered and granular and fertile soil (well draining and loamy soil) with good drainage is considered good for its growth and adding fertilizers and compost to the soil increase the yield.
(c) Sowing time
We grow it according to its variety, while in cold climates we can grow it in Feb-march, while in hot climates, we can grow in it anytime.
(d) Method of sowing seed
Seed should be buried 0.25 inches deep in light soil. The temperature of 21-25° C is considered best for seed germination. After sowing the seed. it germinates in 10-15 days and come out.
(e) Transplanting
When the plant becomes 5-6 inches tall, we transplant it to another field or pots. The distance plant to plant should be kept 12-18 inches so that proper air circulation can be achieved.
While transplanting in a pot, we should keep in mind that the pot should have good drainage and it depth should be 6-8 inches.
(ii) Plant care and maintenance
(a) Irrigation
- We should water it daily during summer and should stay away from waterlogging.
- The right time to give water is morning or evening.
- The amount of watering should be reduced in cold weather.
(b) fertilizer and manures
- We should apply organic or compost cow dung manure at an interval of 15-20 days.
- for good development of fruit and flowers we should use 10-10-10 or 5-10-10 balanced fertilizer.
- Neem cake and bone meal are also considered good.
(c) Light and temperature
Plant should be kept in sunlight for at least 6-8 hours a day. the plant should not be kept in too much heat, if there too much sunlight it should be kept in shade.
(d) Maintenance of Ornamental plant
- We should pluck the early flowers for bushy plants and more Cruster.
- Remove dead and disease leaves so that the plant remains healthy
(iii) Common pest and their control
Read also- Spider Crab
(a) Aphid–
- Effect- curled leaves and stunted growth
- Solution: Spray with neem oil and insecticide soap.
(b) Spider mites
- Effect- Create fine webs and damage leaves.
- Solution: Use a strong water spray and neem oil.
(c) White fly
- Effect- Sap-feeding insects that weaken plants
- Solution: Use yellow sticky traps to catch adult whiteflies.
(iv) Common Disease and their control
(a) Root rot
- Cause– overwatering and poor drainage
- Solution: Use well-draining soil and avoid excessive watering.
(b) powdery mildew
- Cause –Fungal infection leading to white powdery spots on leaves.
- Solution: Improve air circulation and apply sulfur-based fungicide.
(c) Bacterial Leaf Spot
- Cause- Brown or black spots appear on leaves
- Solution: Remove infected leaves and avoid overhead watering.
(iv) Harvesting
- its fruits are ready for the first time in 60-90 days.
- When the fruits are plucked they remain green but after plucking they turn red yellow and black.
- fruit come early if harvested from time to time.
- It is use in decoration, chutney, pickle and spices etc.
3. The History and Cultural Significance of Ornamental Peppers
(i) History and Ornamental peppers plants
like all chilly, pepper originated in central and sought Amerika, specifically modern day Mexico and Bolivia. Archaeological evidence shows that pepper have been cultivated since before 6000 years. in the beginning started with tribes like the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas.
- After 1492, it was bought to Europe, Asia and Afrika through the Columbian Exchange.
- Portuguese and Spanish traders used to take to pepper India , China and middle east.
- It soon began to be eaten in Asia.
- In Europe till 18-19 century it was planted only in royal garden and royal house.
(ii) Cultural significance of ornamental peppers
- It was use in African and Caribbean religion to ward of evil sprite.
- In Hindu religion, to avoid bad luck, we hang on the door.
4. The Role of Ornamental Peppers in Sustainable Gardening
- Ornamental peppers require minimal water once established, making them ideal for drought-prone areas.
- It can grow easily in different type of soils.
- It contains to Capsaicin which makes the insects run aways.
- It attracts the beneficial Insects.
- Ornamental pepper plant can also be grown together with many other plant, which is called polyculture.
- We can also plant it in balconies and pots so that we can get edible fruit form it also adds beauty to our home.
- We can cultivate it on a large scale and sell it in the market at good prices.
- It requires less amount of pesticide to grow it.
5. The Science Behind Ornamental Pepper Colors and Sharpness Levels
(i) Process of color change and development
- Many color are found in this pepper. Ex- Red, Yellow, Green etc.
- Pepper are usually green in color, which changes as they ripen.
- The color change mainly occurs on pigments. Ex- (i) Chlorophyll- Green color, (ii) Carotenoids- yellow, red, orange, (iii) Anthocyanins- Black, dark red
- Anthocyanin is found in high quantity in purple and Black pepper.
(ii) Sharpness of pepper
- The Sharpness of pepper come from a chemical substance called Capsaicin. Which is the membrane around the pepper seed.
- Stimulates capsaicin TRPV1 (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1) receptors.
- Scientifically, capsaicin cause a burning sensation which send heat signal to the nervous system.
- The sharpness of pepper is determined by PUN 1 gene.
- Higher heat increase the amount of capsaicin in the peppers making the pepper more spicy.
- Excessive Sunlight increasing the amount of Anthocyanin which cause the pepper to turn black or dark purple.
(iii) Ornamental pepper is use as medicine
- Vitamin A,C and Antioxidant are found more in red pepper Which provide immunity form diseases.
- Capsaicin is use in pain relievers and medicine.
- It is use as insect repellent in fields.